The Killers of Brabant Rule the Financial System with Fraud

Urgent Intelligence Report

I am referring to my upcoming letter of 8 December 2020 for Their Majesties King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium on why it takes 35 years to catch four known criminals?

I am also refering to the secret bank accounts that were opened with fake identities of which the holders are a group of Belgians, I tested if they may have something to do do with the Killer of Brabant, a gang of criminals who committed assaults with terrorism in Belgium between 1982 and 1985, and other attacks under other names. I began the search in this direction given their financial involvement in civil wars around the world and their personal participation to ethnic cleansing like in Bosnia and Myanmar.

Their pictures made the tour of the World Wide Web, and people who recognize them had contact me to share what they have seen and to request to which international court they can address their witnessing. I am centralizing all the cases at the International Criminal Court where our Reference Number at the International Criminal Court is OTP-CR-322/13 ​

On 25 November 2020, I responded to a call for witnesses on the website of the Belgian Federal Police

So, I started browsing the internet for documentation about the Killers of Brabant, until I recognized one face which is the one of Daniel Renson, which I promptly transmitted to the Belgian Federal Police on 25 November 2020

I Know This Face: This is Professor Roland Willemyns of the VUB

By looking into documentaries on YouTube, I also stumbled on a picture in which I recognized Professor Roland Willemyns of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I was stunned that he is considered to be part of the gang which caused one of the bloodiest carnages usually in supermarkets which Belgium has ever seen after World War II.

He is the professor who said that I was a very bad student instead of saying “I want your money’. That he tells the police that it is not him on this picture. It turns out that he needed to keep a margin of the student grants to pay belligerents to cause similar carnage in Northern Ireland

There are things which you will never forget about Lucien Leuwenkroon, when you see him only ONCE

The bankruptcy is written on his face

Then I found a full length picture of Lucien Luewenkroon in black and white (see further down), then I examined the face against the current pictures (in color of Lucien Leuwenkroon.

The picture in black and white is of someone who is either in France or who is dead, according to the news source which published the investigation on the Killers of Brabant.

However what struck me was the hateful look in the nasty face which immediately reminded me of Lucien Leuwenkroon, who I have seen on 30 November 2010 at the Brussels Chamber of Commerce. I made all the possible observations I could possibly make as I immediately noticed that he was from a a separate order of being.

I came to the startling conclusion that it actually could be him, simply by comparing the Godgiven marks on his entire being. There is a repulsive attitude which he exudes and which is uniquely him. The way he lifts his head, the way he stands and the gaze he casts indicated contempt for anything Moroccan. That is the constant which goes well into his far past.

The first mark to which he cannot escape is the very short neck, with a very small distance from the shoulders. It is almost like his head is planted on his shoulders. I also found that he had enormous ears compared to the rest of the head, which is very small head on shoulders of someone who is at least 3 times his size.

The Ear Shell is identical

Then I examined the shape of the ears. Apart from the lobes (the part against the temples) which have become a little longer, the shell is identical in both the picture of the man wanted and Lucien Leuwenkroon. The lobes, at the level where you put earrings is a very flexible area, which you can extend at will, by wearing earrings.

The Hairline is identical on both the man wanted and Lucien Leuwenkroon

A Massive Trunk with Very Large Shoulders Is Identical

The trunk is the longest part of his body in both pictures, whereas with most normally built people the legs are the longest part, and that is what I immediately remembered.

His waiste in undefined in both pictures. He has this peasant-like Charlie Chaplin way of spreading his legs and feet and either he pushes his breast forward or his ribcage is built to bulge forward in this way. It is very visible on the picture with the Belgian flag behind it (black, yellow, red) .

The bulging ribcage could be the reason why he never tightens his jacket. For his job as a foreign economic mission representative, he is obliged to wear a suit. He has been leaving out the tie in the present and visibly also in the past, possibly so that it would not accentuate the bulging ribcage which was not developed by weightlifting but genetically determined.

His Lips Are Lifted

Lucien Leuwenkroon is clearly someone who works very hard to hide the bankruptcy in his face. So he must be someone who is very concerned about his looks, and that might explain why he is constantly jealous of men and women who look fantastic without doing much about it.

I accuse him of paying the dentists to destroy the smile of the Moroccan youngster in Belgium, I accuse him also of paying Colette Coiffure to damage my scalp. The reason why I accuse him is because at the Center for refugees of La Croix Rouge de Belgique in Tournai, there were Pakistani and Iranian women who warned me not to use the “Espace Femmes” for having facials. They reported that one of the beauticians received the instruction to pull out my eye lashes and to make it look as if it were an accident, just like Colette Manirakiza was trying to make me believe. I left the asylum center promptly when I understood that Lucien Leuwenkroon was remote-controlling the refugee camps of La Croix-Rouge de Belgique.

He is a racist fundamentally, but his face is tanned to the point that you cannot consider him a White Man anymore. To be honest his skin will look like fried bacon if he continues sitting in the Sun. I have been wondering why he needed to look like that? His skin is damaged, or that is what I thought at first.

He suntans his skin to mask flaws

Then I had a good look at the space under his nose, at the upper lips and the lower lips, because there is something about it. He may have reduced his lower lips with aesthetic surgery, if he is the man wanted for his participation with the Killers of Brabant.

The man who is wanted (the black and white picture) clearly has a harelip. Nowadays one can remove that with surgery.

An earlier investigation on his health condition, which is described in my book “They Said I have No Added Value“, lead me to discover that he possibly had an aesthetic surgery in Brazil or in France, perhaps in Marseilles or in Saint Tropez, where there is a plastic surgeon who also helps top criminals like Lucien Leuwenkroon which the other mafia members go to for make-overs. The surgeon has done a marvellous job if the man wanted is the same man as Lucien Leuwenkroon.

Lucien Leuwenkroon would have used a fake identity for getting the aesthetic surgery. He used the fake name “Jean-Jacques de Longchamps“, which refers to an existing nobility, in france but he is not a prince. He is Satan in person. Satan is someone whose wickedness you experience, but you do not see him. That is what Lucien Leuwenkroon was investing in all the time. In the dissimulation of his identity of a crook, which is to transform from a bankruptcy look to the look of a genious with fame and success. The spectacles which he is wearing are meant to project “intelligence”.

I also noticed that for pictures and videos he creases his eyes, but I remember his eyes wide open and casting a frightful look, when I saw him at the Brussels Chamber of Commerce, just like the one on the black and white picture. That is why I think he is the same man.

On this picture that I found, you will be able to see the very fine surgical scars. They reduced the lowerlip, and that is really visible, but it is excellent, if it is true. I could be wrong.

The Nose Did Not Change

Genetic Research

Just like in any DNA research, when we can’t get hold of a blood sample of the person who we want to examine, we direct the search on a parent.

I found a photo of someone who looks very much like the person who the Belgian police is looking for since 1985. In the interest of General Data Protection Regulation, I shall reveal the full picture off line, if any interest. It is a picture below in color is copyright protected by Brahim Touagar of 360° news source, which I found through a Google search on the name “Lucien Leuwenkroon”.

The indication that I am right about all the above is that when I used the picture with Lucien Leuwenkroon surrounded by his family in another investigative dossier concerning the car accident which const the lives of French MEP Philippe Adwent, his wife and his children in Poland, during the Summer of 2005, which I published on, my website got suspended.

The former sniper in Northern Ireland turns out part of the Killers of Brabant

Last but not least, there is a fourth person who is reported as as being part of the Killer of Brabant and he is described as the Giant. I found this picture in various news sources:

The robot photo does not provide any clues at all for me, because I would never have recognized Joseph Gheyssens with that. The real picture on the right allows me to recognize him immediately. What I remember about this man is the tall seize of the body with a head which is smaller in proportion to the rest of the body, like the very large shoulders. The shape of the head is like a triangle pointing downwards. I also remember the big ears.

Mr Joseph Gheyssens is the owner of INJO s.a.r.l. (LLP). Fires are a business activity that INJO LLP deals with. Mr Gheyssens has been holding Miss Beatrice De Wilde – his companion – hostage with thoughts about getting married for over 30 years. One of the reasons is that he uses fake identities in her name to open secret bank accounts around the world particularly in Congo where Miss De Wilde is originally from. Most probably he does this without her knowledge. What leads me to think that she doesn’t know that he is using her identity, is that he never paid out a salary to her for the job of beautician which she holds in his beauty salon named Beauté et Bien-être.

Lucien Leuwenkroon, Daniel Renson, Roland Willemyns and Joseph Gheyssens are likely the Killers of Braband who terrorized Belgium and nobody knows exactly why unless we place the attacks in an international context of raising money for financing wars happening somewhere in the world in that period such as the war in Lebanon en in Northern Ireland.

What has made them start the shootings on the Belgian people and what made them stop?

That is the next question for the the police to answer;

There are a lot more people involved in the realization of attacks by the Killers of Brabant, like Miss Odette Van Hulle, Miss Ina Valstar, Miss Inès Wouters and Her Highness Jacqueline de Croÿ.

With fake identities and secret accounts in all the countries of the world, they are the rulers of the financial system.

The Rulers opf the Financiel System

end of document

Naima Mouali

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